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The Journal of East-Asian Urban History (JEUH)​ 3-1호가 출간되었습니다.

조회수 : 1352

동아시아 도시사학회(The East Asian Society for Urban History)의 e-저널인 The Journal of East-Asian Urban History (JEUH)​ 3-1호가 출간되었습니다. 

아래의 링크를 누르시면 무료로 보실 수 있습니다. 


이번 호의 목차는 아래와 같습니다.  


Special Issue Editorial

Social Structures, State Policies, and Negotiation in the Making of Urbanity: East and
Southeast Asia in Comparative Historical Perspectives

Kai Yiu Chan 7-20


Newchwang before Newchwang, c1368-1863
Kai Yiu Chan 21-56

Urban Impermanence on the Southern Malay Peninsula:
The case of Batu Sawar Johor (1587-c.1615)
Peter Borschberg 57-82

Water Supply and Samurai Residence in the Castle Towns during the Edo Period:
The Creation of the Modern Urban Dwellers
Fujimura, Satoshi 83-118

From Prominent 17th Century Colonial Dutch Settlements to
Modern Indonesian Urban Centers?
The Different Destinies of Banten, Ambon, Jakarta, and Malacca and their
Cultural Heritage.
Dhont, Frank 119-136

The Verandah: Hong Kong's Contribution to an Urban space
David Faure 137-160
